Smart VERC - Smart Reports
India is at the cusp of mega economic revolution! Indian company stocks offer lifetime opportunity to earn mega returns! 'Smart Reports’ is the most rewarding product from the house of Smart VERC, India (visit for more about us and services). It is a one time and single stock report, with very strong emphasis on fundamental research. It covers all necessary financial data, future plans, reasoning for the advice, supported with Target Price and Stop Loss. Stocks advised in this report have delivered jaw dropping performances over medium to long term. For example Escorts Limited advised at Rs 290 on 21 Dec 2016 went up to Rs 767 on 6 June 2017, likewise Bajaj Finance recommended at Rs 567 on 26 Feb 2016 more than tripled to Rs 1829 on 8 Aug 2017 and many more! Perfect product for Investors who - a) Are ready to invest for 3 months to 24 months, b) Want to create huge wealth, c) Want to know the stock story in detail before investing, d) Are willing to take low to medium risk for high to very high returns, About Smart VERC What sets a firm apart is as much in its DNA as its business accomplishments. Smart VERC has differentiated itself categorically on both the counts. A K Asnani with an investment experience of 29 years is the founder and owner of Smart VERC. Over the years, Smart-VERC has established strong credentials throughout the country. Strong presence in USA, UK, Singapore, Tanzania etc speaks volumes about its success story. Since beginning, Smart-VERC has believed in hard core fundamental research and over the years it has continuously refined its model to adapt to the fast changing economic scenario. More than 20,000 users are testament to its tagline - 'Your dependable partner in creating wealth'
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