DAILY FROM: AHMEDABAD, CHANDIGARH, DELHI, JAIPUR, KOLKATA, LUCKNOW, MUMBAI, NAGPUR, PUNE, VADODARA JOURNALISM OF COURAGE VEHICLES TORCHED, POLICE TEARGAS MOBS Nagpur tense as protest against Aurangzeb’s tomb triggers violence EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE VEHICLES WERE torched and police fired tear gas shells at mobsinNagpurMondayfollowing violence over rumours that a holy book had been desecrated during a demonstration in the city by rightwing outfits,includingBajrang Dal, seeking removal CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 Security personnel in Chitnis Park area of Nagpur on Monday. Dhananjay Khedkar US tariffs: Weighing challenge, potential as we work on trade deal, says Centre Commerce Secy: Goal to raise bilateral trade from $200 billion to $500 billion RAVI DUTTA MISHRA & AANCHAL MAGAZINE NEW DELHI, MARCH 17 COMMERCE SECRETARY Sunil Barthwal said Monday that the government is engaging with stakeholders to resolve challenges and identify opportunities arisingfromUS tariffs which havesetoff aglobaltradewarinvolving major blocs such as the European Union and China. “Allthemeasuresrequiredto raise (India-US) trade from $200 billionto$500billion willbediscussed bilaterally with the US. We are negotiating this bilateral tradeagreement,whichwehave RAJNATH, GABBARD HOLD TALKS TO DEEPEN TIES Designate Sikhs for Justice as terrorist outfit, India tells US China on Modi: Appreciate his positive remarks on bilateral ties Islamic terror impacting India, Bangladesh: US intelligence chief MUMBAI, MARCH 17 said is multisectoral. It will address all the different issues between both countries. Everything important to both countries will be part of the negotiations,” Barthwal said. This is delinked from the issue of reciprocal tariffs, said an official speaking on condition of anonymity. The official added that the US investigation to determine the form and scope of reciprocal tariffs is still ongoing and multiple factors— including migration, trade deficits, and currency manipulation — could influencethedecision,makingit difficult to assess the impact on India. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 `7.00 (`8 BIHAR & RAIPUR, `15 SRINAGAR) WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM SINCE 1932 SHUBHAJIT ROY NEW DELHI, MARCH 17 DEFENCE MINISTER Rajnath Singh has asked Tulsi Gabbard, Director of National Intelligence in the US administration, to designate Sikhs for Justice (SFJ), the pro-Khalistan separatist outfit, asa“terroristoutfit”,sourcestold The Indian Express Monday. Singh conveyed SFJ’s links Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, US National Intelligence Director Tulsi Gabbard in New Delhi on Monday. PTI with terrorist groups and Pakistan’s spy agency, ISI, during his meeting with Gabbard, sources said. Later, Gabbard met Prime Minister Narendra Modi and External Affairs Minister CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 China rising in Indo-Pacific, India & New Zealand seal defence pact PMs welcome launch of FTA negotiations NEW DELHI, MARCH 17 A DAY after Prime Minister Narendra Modi said India and China are “working to restore conditions to how they were before 2020”, when their military standoff began along the border in eastern Ladakh, China said Mondaythatit“appreciated”the “positive” remarks on bilateral relations. “Acooperativepasdedeux(a dance of two people) of the dragon and the elephant is the only right choice for both sides,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning said in CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 BUSINESS AS USUAL BY UNNY SHUBHAJIT ROY NEW DELHI, MARCH 17 SIGNALLING DEEPER strategic convergence in the face of an assertive China in the Indo-Pacific region, India and New Zealand signed a defence cooperation pact Monday and agreed to step up dialogue to enhance maritime safety. The agreement was inked after Prime Minister Narendra ModimetPrimeMinisterof New EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE PrimeMinisterNarendraModiwith NewZealandcounterpart ChristopherLuxoninNewDelhionMonday. Anil Sharma Zealand Christopher Luxon who is in India on a five-day visit. The two leaders also dis- cussedtheissueof Khalistanseparatist activities in New Zealand CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 ‘WE HAVE NO PROPERTY BUT THE SEA’ A tale of two protests: In Karnataka, port projects set off fears over fishing, livelihood PAVNEET SINGH CHADHA & KIRAN PARASHAR ANKOLA, HONNAVAR (KARNATAKA), MARCH 17 FOR THE past 17 years, Nilesh Harikantra (30), a fisherman in Keni-Bavikeri village in Karnataka’s Uttara Kannada district, has had the same morning routine. At 4 am, he and his crew pushtheir20-footdoni—acolloquialtermforasmallboat—into theshallowwatersof Kenibeach and launch the fishing nets. Afterafewhours,theyreturn with the day’s catch — mostly sardines, mackerels and prawns — which is cured, dried and sold bywomeninthefamilyatthelo- Arabian Sea TUESDAY, MARCH 18, 2025, NEW DELHI, LATE CITY, 22 PAGES Keni (Ankola) KARNATAKA Tonka I calmarket.Butwhenhereached the beach earlier this month, a posse of policemen who had been camping there threatened to seize his boat. ItwasinNovember2023that the commercial port company, CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 Cancer centre at district hospitals: Trained staff, chemotherapy, 4-6 beds ANONNA DUTT NEW DELHI, MARCH 17 CHEMOTHERAPY,COUNSELLING servicesandmedicine;fourtosix beds each; every facility to have an oncologist or a trained medicalofficer,alongwithtwonurses, a pharmacist, a counsellor and a multi-purpose worker. These are the key elements in the blueprint drawn up by the Union Health Ministry for the Government's ambitious initiative to establish cancer daycare centres in all district hospitals. These details were outlined in a Parliamentary Standing Committee report, tabled on March 12, pertaining to the demand for grants by the Ministry. According to the Health Ministry’s submission to the committee, cancer treatment will be made accessible closer to patients’ homes after an initial plan is finalised at tertiary care or state centres. Speaking to The Indian Express, experts described the CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
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