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* Govt suspends new WFI panel: Being run from Brij Bhushan’s premises

* Last straw: New panel’s  decision to hold meet in Gonda — on MP’s ‘request’

* Death of 3 civilians: Army orders CoI, changes in levels of command likely 

* Of the 3 dead, wives of 2 pregnant; 2 men had worked for security forces

* Among 4 soldiers killed: 2 young fathers, a 28-year-old months away from his wedding

* Another cargo ship on way to India hit by drone; was fired by Houthis, says US

* ‘Approaching a point where a cut is must to check high real interest rate’

* Railways clerk forged bills, helped fund ISIS module, finds NIA probe

* In Kerala, BJP rings in Christmas with visits to Christian families

Indian Express covers latest news from India, all exclusive current headlines and India news live, including latest breaking news on business, sports, world & entertainment with a complete a to z full coverage. The Indian Express Nagpur edition.