

  • WisdomWinds Issue 1: Vol 4
  • Price : 100.00
  • WisdomWinds
  • Issues 5
  • Language - English
  • Published monthly
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In today’s busy life, almost no one is free from stress. It has become our ‘indispensable friend’. We are often faced with situations that are completely out of our control, which invariably presses our panic button. It harms our mental and physical health, as we become stressed-out and are unable to come out of our troubles. In this issues’ cover story we focus on how to better manage stress for a quality life. A major cause of stress is relationship issues. In Dhammapada, we ponder over the point whether divorces can be less bitter? As we recently celebrated International Yoga Day, we bring to you some glimpses of the celebrations worldwide. Our Art section provides a kaleidoscope on the life of Kumarajiva, the man who translated the Lotus Sutra, while we have a special story on father and child relationship in the Mind and Body section. This month, we leave you with myriad emotions as you flip through the pages of WisdomWinds.

WisdomWinds is a monthly magazine that focuses on promoting conscious living. Launched in April 2016, we aim to make a difference in people's lives by helping them live in a conscious manner. At WisdomWinds we believe that living consciously is a lifestyle, which needs to be ingrained in our daily routine. It is being conscious about what we do, think and decide upon. Making conscious choices help in evolving our inner being, along with developing the community and protecting the environment.


Be conscious. Live conscious. That’s our motto!