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The Sindhian
The Sindhian

The Sindhian

  • The Sindhian - Oct-Dec 2018
  • Price : 99.00
  • The Sindhian
  • Issues 39
  • Language - English
  • Published quarterly
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Celebrating 15 Years

The Sindhian completes 15 glorious years with this issue! And over these years I have come to notice and realize, that Sindhis never stop moving, changing, and evolving – this is in their DNA! Work, home, family – these are their priorities. Living life king-size is their way of unwinding. One cannot forget the fact that they are also very in tune with their Gods and Gurus. Dispersed, yet closely connected! They may not know their language perfectly, yet they speak many foreign languages fluently. They don’t have a homeland, and yet, the world belongs to them. In a nutshell, Sindhis are simply Economic Nomads, living & loving, imbibing and integrating wherever they are!


We have always wanted The Sindhian to be engaging and informative, but above all, we wanted  to give our readers a platform to connect with others from the community.

In our attempt to do so, we have reached over half a million readers worldwide, connected with people in 450 cities and 75 countries, and featured over 1500 incredible personalities, both local, and international.


Sixty issues later, with stories spanning around 3 million words, containing over 12,000 photographs, we march on and on, creating a virtual homeland. Our cover story, in contrast, is a tribute to the physical one - a journey through Sindh, a land many of us left behind but didn’t forget. Inside, you’ll find a mix of features covering an array of professions, some news, and our regular columns on a wide range of interesting topics.


Thank you all for joining us on this spectacular journey. Now, it’s time to celebrate!


I hope you enjoy the issue.


The very first of its kind, this plush quarterly is dedicated to chronicling the ethos, enterprise, and aplomb of the Sindhi community. A Magazine that brings you Insights into Sindhi History, its Culture and its People. A Magazine that takes you places and showcases Sindhis from all over the world. A Magazine that informs and connects Sindhis globally. Published 4 times a year.