Highlights of India Today Tamil issue dated February 26th, 2014. The issue looks at the campaign strategies followed by BJP’s Prime Ministerial candidate Narendra Modi. This cover story discusses about the campaign team behind Modi. The special story discusses about AAP’s Arvind Kejriwal resignation and his future plans for the party. The issue features about DMDK leader Vijayakant’s Delhi visit and his alliance strategies with Tamil Nadu political parties. There is also a story about TN budget 2014. The story deals with TN government’s various plans. The issue also features the interview of Gandhiya Makkal party leader Tamilaruvi Manian. There is also story about the role of apps in present generation relationships. The issue also discusses about the recent controversy about Wendy Doniger’s book on Hinduism. The issue also features the eulogy of Tamil Cinema’s legendary filmamaker Balumahendra. The issue also looks at the profile of TN’s famous “Gaana” singer Gaana Bala. There is also a story about Thiruvayyaru Music Festival.
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