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Tatsat Chronicle
Tatsat Chronicle

Tatsat Chronicle

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In the inaugural issue, we have critically examined the functioning of India's vast clinical trials industry. Given the way vaccines, certain drugs and treatment protocols have been fast-tracked by the regulatory authorities in order to tackle the serious health crisis resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic, several moral and ethical questions arise that impact the lives and safety of millions of patients. for Long, experts have been demanding greater transparency and accountability from Indian drug regulators.

Besides that, it also covers in-depth reporting on the CSR activities and the impact of Covid on the social sector.

Tatsat Chronicle magazine and its 360-degree digital platform, including a live website with daily updates, Social Media channels, and a fortnightly newsletter in digital format.

The social sector is one of the fastest-growing sectors in India. Given the current size of the social sector—accounting for approximately 8.8 percent of India’s GDP in spending terms—and the number of people who are directly and indirectly involved with this field, it doesn’t have a robust media platform that engages with the various stakeholders involved in this sector. It’s this gap that Tatsat Chronicle intends to fill and carve out a niche.

Tatsat Chronicle has been envisioned as a monthly magazine that offers a deep dive into the rapidly evolving Corporate Social Responsibility space for better understanding and appreciation of the remarkable work being done by corporate houses, Public Sector Undertakings and Non-Government Organisations towards creating a more equitable society. 

The main objective of Tatsat Chronicle is to inform, engage and stimulate its readers with ideas, case studies and well-researched insights, covering the entire gamut of CSR activities in India and abroad.


Every month the print magazine with a the production run of 50,000 copies and its digital version generates a combined readership of 250,000 people. In a short span of time, Tatsat Chronicle has established itself as a go-to resource for key decision-makers and influencers, who are instrumental in shaping CSR policies and project implementation at the grassroots level in India.