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The Insurance Times
The Insurance Times

The Insurance Times

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In this issue we have covered articles on Combating Climate Change with CAT Bonds - Nandita Banerjee;  Will Crop Insurance herald a change in the Indian General Insurance Industry? - Jagendra Kumar; Understanding the Nuances of Unexpired Risk Reserves of Non-life Insurers - S H Gejji; 1st July, National Doctors Day - First Do No Harm - Dr. K Raja Gopal Reddy; A Study on Growth of Reinsurance Business During Covid-19 - Anushka Gupta. We have covered news on General Insurance, IRDAI News, LIC News, Health Insurance News, Private Life Insurance News and International News.   Besides it covers other interesting features.

The Insurance Times, which has entered into glorious 37th year of successful and regular publication in 2017 is the only authentic information source on insurance in India and SAARC Countries.

The journal covers every month informative articles and features on both general insurance and life insurance. Besides regular columns for brokers, bancassurance, legal, surveyor, agents, students it brings you latest and update news of the Indian as well as overseas insurance industry. Regular features on risk management and safety also keeps you abreast of latest risk management techniques.

We cover regularly the review of the policies issued by life and non-life companies including comparison of various products. A special emphasis is given on marketing of insurance both life and general. The journal is a must for all persons connected with insurance companies, corporate bodies, brokers, banks, surveyors, agents, consultants, students, educational institutions and professionals.