In the current issue we have covered issues related to Farm Bill, highlights of Mergers and Acquisition, Covid Corporate Debtor etc.
In this issue we have covered articles on System of Loan Delivery of Bank Credit and its Impact - Dhirendra Kumar, Human Resource Development (HRD) - Subhransu Gupta; (R)Evolution of Payment and Settlement system in India - Kamal Singh; Cyber Security, its Importance in Banking and Precautions - Tushar Maheshwari; Marketing: A Practical Perspective for Field Units - Nitin Negi; HR: The Life line of Indian Banking Sector - Paritosh Kumar.
We have covered news on Banking, RBI, Industry, Mutual Fund and Co-Operative Bank News.
Besides it covers other interesting features.
The economic scenario of our country is changing rapidly keeping in pace with the world economic scenario. Indian economy is standing on the cross roads where a little change in the Govt. policy and/or market response, labour indiscipline counts much.
In this situation it is very important to keep yourself apprised of the prevailing trends of the economy.
Our journal Banking Finance brings you the latest information’s of the Indian Economy through its pages containing several innovaÂtive research articles and features which are not available elsewhere.