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Marie Claire
Marie Claire

Marie Claire

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44 Trendsetters 50 Must have Fashion 54 Jewellery 56 Watches 58 Bags 62 Beauty Trend Makeup 64 Beauty Trend Hair 68 Must have Beauty 72 Beauty Dossier 76 Designer Dossier

Marie Claire, the international fashion magazine is originated from France and has over 34 editions across the world. Marie Claire, France was founded in Paris in 1937, thus brings a legacy with it.It offers practical fashion tips showcasing products from India and abroad. It covers fashion that is aspirational and accessible.Marie Claire has introduced ‘Made in India Fashion Awards’ for excellence in Indian fashion. It is first of its kind in India. Marie Claire brings out a mixture of socially relevant features, which urge the readers to think and act.It has also spearheaded two strong campaigns - “Let Me Be Me”, a movement against moral policing and followed it up with another campaign called “What Women Want”.