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The Body Knows More than You Think The experiences of early childhood are not forgotten. Our body remembers much more than we are aware of. Skinny dipping, the hippie movement, fitness cults—modern humans only rediscovered what the body always knew. cover stor y 44 38 Can talking cure the soul? More and more doctors are using a combination of psychotherapy and bodywork to heal mental disorders

Know more with GEO, the preferred monthly magazine for the knowledge society, which travels from science, Research and Technology to culture, society, Business and Ecology from Expediotion Travel to Nature and Animals from Geography to Architecture, Ecology, Medicine and Health-Geo informs the reader about discoveries : in Medicine, Neural Research, Robotics and Psychology.It describes concepts in religion and philioshphy.From society to History to Archaeology GEO reports comprehensively,vividly and accurately.GEO addresses all of the topics that are on the agenda of today's global knowledge society.