Better Photography
Better Photography

Better Photography

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Pro food photography right in your very own kitchen; ideas, tips & techniques for creativity at home make every indoor space your private studio and every object your subject!; Exclusive tests - Sony alpha 6000, Canon g1 x mark ii, Nikkor 300mm f/4, Samyang 14mm t3.1; Profile - Mustafa Qureshi and his journey to photojournalism; great masters - meet the founding father of selfies—Robert Cornelius; Visual musings - Diwan manna on the changing meaning of photography & art; Photoguide - what makes a good image? Mukesh parpiani answers; Olympus om-d e-m10 - our verdict on this little mirrorless Wonder and much more....

Better Photography is one of South Asia’s most respected photography guides and is India’s No.1 photography magazine. It is the first Indian magazine to be completely devoted to the art and science of photography. Catering primarily to amateurs, hobbyists, and serious enthusiasts, the magazine has a keen following amongst professionals as well. It delves into product tests, provides expert advice, tutorials and techniques, and conducts some of India’s most prominent photography contests.