January 2017 Mathematics Today
Class 11
Concept Boosters
Brain@Work : Parabola
Ace Your Way (Series 9) : Statics & Probability
MPP-7: Straight Line & Cone Sections
Class 12
Concept Boosters: Vectors and 3D Geometry
Ace you’re Way (Series 9): Linear Programing Probability
Challenging Problems: Probability
MPP-7: Differential Equations & Probability
Competition Edge
Maths Musing Problem Set - 169
Mock Test Paper - WB JEE
JEE Work Outs
Maths Musing Solutions
Mathematics Today is a pioneer magazine designed to cater to the needs of an IIT and engineering aspirant. The basic aim of Mathematics Today is to provide mechanisms to be used as a barometer by technical aspirants. It provides them an opportunity to get exposed to numerous complex problems which demand a high level of analytical ability and proficiency. This is one among the magazines which provides the latest pre-engineering solved papers and model test papers based on the new pattern. The levels of the questions are high enough to give your brain cells pain. In short, it is one of the best tools to tackle engineering entrance exams. For queries related to print copy you may contact us at info@mtg.in.