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Microbioz India

Microbioz India

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If you've ever tried to treat your stomachache and headache with the same round tablet, you know that drugs aren't usually made to target specific pain areas. While OTC medications have been relieving symptoms for decades, researchers in the biomedical field have just lately began to investigate how to better targeted drug delivery in the treatment of more complex medical disorders like cardiovascular disease and cancer. The millirobot is an exciting development in this rapidly expanding field of biomedicine. These tiny robots can crawl, spin, and swim to reach tight locations, making them ideal for future medical applications such as investigating internal mechanisms and dispensing medication.

Revolutionizing Medicine:  Shape changing RoboCap to deliver drug to cancer cells is this month's cover story, contributed by Microbioz India editorial.

We are Microbioz India an International digital science media company offer magazines of Microbiology,Biotechnology,Laboratory and Health sciences, on monthly basis having worldwide academic and professional readerships available in digital as well as print version too.

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