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Microbioz India

Microbioz India

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Chromogenic culture media are used to isolate, identify, and differentiate specific microorganisms from a heterogeneous population. The medium contains chromogenic substrate which is utilized by the microorganisms to give colored colonies that is specific for each microorganism. The cover story of this month titled: “Everything You Need to Know About Chromogenic Media” contributed by HiMedia Laboratories Pvt Ltd. Chromogenic media can target and differentiate microbes with high specificity by inducing chromogenic enzyme-substrate reactions targeting specific microbial enzymes. It exploits the capacity of the microbes to process the specially designed substrates in its own unique enzymatic way thereby releasing a chromogen (The colored component of the chromogenic substrate) generating a unique color identity for them. 

The edition has a featured article entitled “Mikromol featured product: Apomorphine Hydrochloride Hemihydrate” contributed by Mikromol™ reference standards.  

We are Microbioz India an International digital science media company offer magazines of Microbiology,Biotechnology,Laboratory and Health sciences, on monthly basis having worldwide academic and professional readerships available in digital as well as print version too.

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