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Microbioz India
Microbioz India

Microbioz India

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Automation techniques in the lab have a significant amount of untapped potential to speed up the discovery process. They offer a better level of efficiency and throughput for time-consuming screening procedures and reduce the number of manual stages, which increase the risk of human error. The optimisation of chemical reactions is one area that can benefit from the automation of repetitive activities, for example.

How accurate is reagent dispensing system? is this month's cover story, contributed by Testa Analytical Solutions.

TESTA Analytical has launched a new PC App to expand its versatility and further simplify using their Solvent Line Monitor device. 

We are Microbioz India an International digital science media company offer magazines of Microbiology,Biotechnology,Laboratory and Health sciences, on monthly basis having worldwide academic and professional readerships available in digital as well as print version too.

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