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Engineer's Exclusive Current Affairs by MADE EASY
Engineer's Exclusive Current Affairs by MADE EASY

Engineer's Exclusive Current Affairs by MADE EASY

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The December 2020 Issue of the Next IAS Current Affairs Magazine (hereafter called ‘The Magazine’), covers news events

from 26 th October 2020 to 30 th November 2020 (hereafter called ‘Coverage Period’). The Magazine has comprehensive

coverage of all the topics from current affairs neatly categorized into major sections like Economy, International Issues,

Polity & Governance, and so on.

This issue of the magazine has an in-depth analysis of ‘Agricultural Reforms via Farm Acts: Building Consensus amid

Concerns', ' Why India Opted Out of RCEP? Concerns and Solutions' and 'Water Diplomacy: Promoting Peace,

Equity and Sustainability. The Magazine also covers the issues of ‘15 th Finance Commission Submits its Report',

'Simultaneous Elections: Road to One Nation One Elections?', 'Aadhar Linked Social Registry' and many other

issues which have become relevant in the coverage period.

The Magazine is designed for the needs of the students who are preparing for UPSC Civil Services Examinations. However,

it is also helpful for Engineering Services Examinations, Banking Examinations and other government or Public Sector

Enterprises examinations.

Engineer’s Exclusive Current Affairs magazine is prepared to address the needs of Engineering Services, State Services, SSC exams and other competitive examinations. The magazines are published quarterly and covers the current issues – national as well as international affairs which are of importance from examination point of view. The yearly last issue of the series is an Annual issue which covers all important news and events of the entire year.