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Engineer's Exclusive Current Affairs by MADE EASY
Engineer's Exclusive Current Affairs by MADE EASY

Engineer's Exclusive Current Affairs by MADE EASY

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This Annual issue of Current Affairs is prepared to address the needs of Engineering Services,Civil Services, State Services, SSC exams and other competitive examinations.  

This edition has full coverage of topics like – 

Ministry of Home Affairs releases new map of union territories of J&K and Ladakh

Kartarpur Corridor: A corridor of hope for humanity opens  after 72 years 

UN Climate Action Summit'19: UN pitches for practical actions to shift global response into higher gear 

47th Chief Justice of India : Justice Sharad Arvind Bobde succeeds outgoing CJI Ranjan Gogoi, and much more. 

Engineer’s Exclusive Current Affairs magazine is prepared to address the needs of Engineering Services, State Services, SSC exams and other competitive examinations. The magazines are published quarterly and covers the current issues – national as well as international affairs which are of importance from examination point of view. The yearly last issue of the series is an Annual issue which covers all important news and events of the entire year.