Mad About Money is here to talk about everything to do with money that draws your attention and passion, but in a different way, with a slightly different touch… that unique magic wand of mindset change that just makes all this not only attainable in practical terms but also sustainable for you and your coming generations to enjoy!. Simply put, if taken in seriously and internalized with sincerity, it holds the power to change lives and destinies.
Mad About Money is financial education with a difference. It aims to make financial freedom a reality through interactive media and personal and group connect. It is about developing a mindset apart from the general mindset – A mindset which has made the rich rich and left the poor to remain poor.
But if you believe that you can become richer than all the people you know, if you believe that you can own all the expensive things that you see, if you believe that you can buy multiple houses, or lots of jewellery or something else then you definitely can.
This is our motto.