Life Care
Life Care

Life Care

  • Life Care News 130 Issue 25 December 2020
  • Price : 30.00
  • Life Care News
  • Issues 231
  • Language - Gujarati
  • Published fortnightly
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130 Issue of "Life Care News" Magazine, below listed topics covered in this Magazine.

Dear Reader, You can read various article and story in 130 issue of LifeCareNews Magazine. Here are list of topics covered in this issue.

Corona Update, Mucormycosis is not a new disease., Health Technology, Covid Hospital Jamnagar with the largest oxygen facility in Saurashtra, Women’s Health, Civil hospital doctors successfully perform extremely dangerous pregnancies, Knowledge Time, Tribal youth becoming family members of animals and birds., Cover Story, Chief Minister Rupani inaugurating the first academic session of Rajkot AIIMS, Self Care, In winter: Pollution causes eye irritation, Winter Care, Improve health with the brotherhood of sun and steam, Tips, Take care of the stomach in the winter season, Special Story, UNICEF Gujarat and Information Department talk to Radio Jockeys about vaccination awareness of Covid-19., Agriculture Update, Maganpura, a unique village of horticulture, News Update, At Junagadh Civil Hospital, patients will be given free chemotherapy treatment., Corona Awareness Infographic, 130Issue, 25th December 2020, Lifecare,

Life Care - A Complete Healthcare News Magazine, Life care magazine one of the newest and fastest growing Gujarati magazine. Our aim to make India and Indians healthier and more conscious about their health, physical and mental fitness. Let’s make India healthier.