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COVER STORIES • Undeserved leniency in sentencing will only cause harm to society • Property owner has the right to use his property as he chooses • Mere admission of documents does not amount to its proof • On transfer of vehicle there is deemed transfer of certificate of insurance • Casual workers have no vested right to be regularised • To be an effective order, communication of said order is necessary • Concept of "continuing offence" gets attracted from the date of deprivation of Stridhan • Recall of witness on ground of incompetency of advocate to cross-examine witnesses, refused

One of India's first Legal Awareness Magazine, LawTeller is being published since 1993. The USP or the distinguishing feature of our magazine is that it encompasses only those cases decided within the territories of India, where the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India has decided a matter on a divergent viewpoint from that of the High Court's of any of the Indian states. This specialty of Lawteller has endeared it to its ever-increasing faithful subscribers from all walks of life; such as those concerned with law in any form like Judges, Advocates, Government departments, Judicial Officers, Company Secretaries, Armed forces, general public and especially the academic institutions consisting of majority of top ranking Law Colleges in India, thereby giving us a very wide diaspora of subscribers all across India.