Our Special Issue this month is Fortune’s flagship offering globally — the 500 largest companies. This year’s Fortune 500 India list provides evidence that Covid is well and truly behind us and India Inc.’s belt tight-ening during the preceding slowdown has now set it up for a new phase of growth and expansion. V. Keshavdev’s lead story unravels an unprecedented revenue growth in the ‘`1 lakh crore club’.A record nine companies (three PSUs and six private companies) entered the ‘`1 lakh crore club’, taking the total count to 30 — a 4x growth since 2010. The good news is that records are not just tumbling in topline, but bottomline as well. The `10.93 lakh crore net proἀt of Fortune 500 India companies is not just the highest ever, it has also grown 3x since 2010. All this bodes well for the future of corporate India as it gives companies the foundation to grow exponentially from here on.
In other stories in the issue read how the big are getting bigger as the largest companies unleash a wave of organic and inorganic growth; how ἀve new-age ἀrms have made a place for themselves in the league of India’s 500 largest companies; and who’s rocking in ESG & CSR mandates, who’s struggling. Happy reading!
Fortune is one of the most respected business magazines in the world. It is known for its unrivaled access to world’s most influential leaders and decision-makers. In a world of business long on information and short on time, Fortune stands out with trusted insight, deep reporting and provocative story telling. Few publications cover the world of business with as much depth, breadth, wisdom, and panache. That’s why Fortune is recognized as ‘the best magazine in the world that just happens to be about business’. Fortune 500 is perhaps the best-known brand in business journalism and the ultimate hallmark of corporate success. Launched in India in October 2010, Fortune India retains the spirit of the global brand with respect to thought leadership and practice from across the world every month while adding an Indian dimension. It is the only truly global business magazine dedicated to the global success of Indian business leaders, offering actionable insights to propel their businesses. Fortune Indai is published every month. Fortune India publishes 12 issues (10-regular issues and 2 special- 500 listing issues) in a year. Single Issue Digital price for regular issues is 200 INR and 300 INR for special issues