Dalal Street Investment Journal
Dalal Street Investment Journal

Dalal Street Investment Journal

  • Vol. 38. No. 13 • MAY 22 - JUNE 04, 2023
  • Price : 150.00
  • DSIJ Pvt. Ltd.
  • Issues 307
  • Language - English
  • Published fortnightly
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COVER STORY Vol. 38 Issue No. 13

Q4FY23 Earnings Report : What Investors Need To Know

India’s corporate earnings season is in full swing and the results are in. Overall, the results were in line with street expectations with some sectors performing well while others struggled. Bhavya Rathod highlights the winners and losers and provides an insight into how the winds are blowing for India Inc. in the current scenario

MF - Cover Story

Employee Pension Scheme

The EPS is a savings scheme that is part of the larger EPF in India. The EPS is designed to help employees save money for their retirement with the ultimate goal of providing them with a pension once they retire.The recent EPS rules have left a lot of people confused as to whether or not to opt for higher pension. In this article, DSIJ untangles the confusion revolving around opting for a higher pension.

Dalal Street Investment Journal is India’s No 1 Equity Research and Capital Investment Magazine. Our fortnightly magazine is published with a focus on stock market research & recommendations, capital market analysis, personal finance investment advice and economic analysis & it's impact on Indian share market. Reader surveys and regular feedback reveals that over 75 % of our readers act and profit from DSIJ stock recommendations, which has been the result of over 25 years of continuous study and research on the Indian stock market.