Fortune India
Fortune India

Fortune India

  • Nov 2020- The 50 Most Powerful Women in Business
  • Price : 200.00
  • Fortune India
  • Issues 134
  • Language - English
  • Published monthly
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With The World Order upended by the Coronavirus pandemic this year, a lot of the discussion has come to be centred around leadership and how leaders across the spectrum have navigated the debilitating impact

of the event. A study published by the Centre for Economic Policy Research and the World Economic Forum found that countries with women leaders acted quickly and decisively in the face of potential fatalities in the initial months of the pandemic, and fared better than many which had male leaders.


In this issue of Fortune India, meet India’s 50 Most Powerful Women in Business who with their sharp acumen have built companies, struck massive corporate deals, or developed brands as they took their firms to the top.


Fortune is one of the most respected business magazines in the world. It is known for its unrivaled access to world’s most influential leaders and decision-makers. In a world of business long on information and short on time, Fortune stands out with trusted insight, deep reporting and provocative story telling. Few publications cover the world of business with as much depth, breadth, wisdom, and panache. That’s why Fortune is recognized as ‘the best magazine in the world that just happens to be about business’. Fortune 500 is perhaps the best-known brand in business journalism and the ultimate hallmark of corporate success. Launched in India in October 2010, Fortune India retains the spirit of the global brand with respect to thought leadership and practice from across the world every month while adding an Indian dimension. It is the only truly global business magazine dedicated to the global success of Indian business leaders, offering actionable insights to propel their businesses. Fortune Indai is published every month. Fortune India publishes 12 issues (10-regular issues and 2 special- 500  listing issues) in a year. Single Issue Digital price for regular issues is 200 INR and 300 INR for special issues