The Special Issue this month is our brand new introduction: India’s Best Financiers —a Fortune India-Grant Thornton Bharat study of India’s best banks. A unique study that stands out for not just capturing the past fiscal performance of banks but also the first nine months of the most recent fiscal. V. Keshavdev examines how the most successful of India’s best banks steered through the past two years with foresight and patience. The Special package is also studded with stories that bring alive what’s going on in India’s banking sector. In ‘Learning to live with fintech’, the early animosity between incumbent banks and newbies fintechs seems to be a thing of the past. The two are now collaborating to help the former slash operational costs.
Another feature to watch out for this month is Ajita Shashidhar and Asmita Dey-authored cover story on how India’s Metaverse Economy is being created, byte by byte. And the enormous challenges along the way.
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