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Brain Tonic
Brain Tonic

Brain Tonic

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ईदगाह : प्रेमचंद - अनुवाद : चंद्रकांत भोंजाळ, कर्मयोग : अध्याय तिसरा - सुगम बालगीता, तरंगता येणं महत्त्वाचं कौशल्य - Skills Acquisition Basic Quality For Survival - सुधाकर द. जोशी, How Daddy was Always Late... - Alexander Ruskin, Antibiotics - Know your medicine, A Day's Wait - Ernest Hemingway, Mairead Corrigan and Betty Williams - Nobel Women of Peace, Marcel Duchamp - The Game of Art, Nepal Earthquake - Current Affairs, सदृश शब्दांतील अर्थभेद, साहित्यिकांची टोपणनावे, लेखनप्रकार आणि साहित्यिक, Language in Use

Brain Tonic is a bi-lingual monthly magazine for children. It provides contents in both Marathi and English languages. Various subjects are covered in this monthly magazine, such as personality development, career planning, current affairs, learning English language, letter writing, science, astronomy, mathematics, history, geography, bird watching, project study, drama, folktales, puzzles, etc. We publish articles written by children as well as by experts in various fields. The magazine is successfully running from last 9 years (from December 2005).