Cover Story: Cement With Low Carbon Foot Print "Cement Going Green" a curtain raiser for the future of cement Cement without lime stone! Geo Polymers, LC3 Technology, CO2, Capture Technology Feature: Conveying of materials should be economical, easy to maintain and cause less dusting Materials in cement plants are moved from one end to the other through different systems Mechanical and Pneumatic conveying the common one, over view of their merits and demerits Controlling fugitive dust at conveyor belt Pipe conveyors are getting popular in the cement industry Pneumatic conveying is less susceptible to mechanical failures
Indian Cement Review, the premier magazine catering exclusively to the cement industry since 1976, covers the latest updates and happenings of the industry from around the world. The magazine gives wide ranging technical articles, informative views of industry professionals, analysis and on-site case studies. It acts as a useful interface between the producers, manufacturers and the user fraternity of the cement industry, and is a must read magazine for the User industry, Manufacturers & suppliers and Auxiliary services providers.