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CW Interiors
CW Interiors

CW Interiors

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This is CW Interiors’ 10th Anniversary Issue, and for it to be unveiled on the 13th CWAB Awards, held on 11th September, made it even more special. Along with our longstanding custom of identifying and felicitating top architects and builders, and the more recent one of awarding Noteworthy Projects, this year CWAB has gone even deeper and recognised talent from four regions of the country, having received nominations from 56 cities! The Anniversary Issue follows the standards of excellence and inclusiveness set for the awards and showcases works of 40 architects and designers from all over India! 10 Young Achievers, 10 Compact Spaces, 10 Sustainable Spaces are cheek by jowl with 10 Unique Materials.

The Young Achievers, all under the age of 36, have infused contemporary sensibilities to the innate Indian ethos through their projects that are spread across the country. With spaces getting both expensive and scarce, and the need for green abounding, our next sections on Compact Spaces and Sustainable Spaces talk about how homes and offices are becoming smaller yet smarter; as well as how sustainable and green projects are being designed to live up to the ever-increasing need for eco-friendly spaces across the country. And at a time when innovation is the mantra, we celebrate 10 Unique Materials, each novel and worth celebrating.

Ten years is special, and so is this issue.

Look for our Blockbuster issue next month on the CWAB Awards!

CW INTERIORS India and Gulf's first B2B Interiors Magazine, the focus of the magazine is to generate business leads, ideas and opportunities. This is done by providing an extensive database and contact details with each issue. Moreover, articles are editorially treated keeping this primary purpose in mind. CW Interiors targets the trade. With timely, well packaged and extensive information on interior design and trends, it is be an invaluable tool to the interior, design and decor segment. CW Interiors is also specially designed to cater to the needs of those in the construction industry. With the target segment of readers comprising of Architects, Interior Designers, Builders, and Contractors associated with large residential and retail spaces, the editorial content and slant will make it a must-read for industry players. Moreover by featuring entire categories ranging from Tiles, Ceramics, Bathrooms, Sanitaryware, Decorative Building Materials, Floorings, Furnishing, Furniture, Decorative Hardware, Kitchens, Paints and Landscaping, the magazine will prove to be a one-stop-shop for readers. It offers high value to advertisers as it delivers to an audience that is not only hooked to the magazine but also involved in all key decision making processes regarding choice and purchase of materials.