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Refresher 2021(H)
Refresher 2021(H)

Refresher 2021(H)

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Tokyo Paralympics 2020, 32nd Tokyo Olympics, National Affairs, Economy & Banking, State Affairs, Science & Technology, Defense & Security, Health & Nutrition, Environment & Ecology, Sports Panorama, Awards and Honors, Newsmakers, 350+ Current Shooters, Who’s who.

  1. Current Affairs refresher 2021 is a important events from January 2021 to August 2021.

  2. Current Affairs: provides the latest information about the National and international happenings, economy, Banking, Science & technology, space etc 

  3. More than 500 Current Shooters are given for quick coverage of the events 

  4. Who’s who is given to provide the basic knowledge about the countries, states and appointed officials, 

  5. Highly useful for IBPS & SBI (PO, Clerk), NDA, CDS, SSC (CGL, 10+2, MTS), Railways, Delhi Police Constable, opse, bpse, other state level exams.

Learning is an ongoing process. In the modern era, general knowledge plays an essential role in the growth and success of students or aspirants or as an individual. Whether you are preparing for SSC or UPSC current affairs has become a highly important section of the question paper.

The all new edition of Current Affairs Refresher 2021 represents the unique compilation of important events and news that are strategically arranged in every section. This magazine is designed to give complete coverage of all important events listing from January 2021 to September 2021 in a concise manner. In the Inside Pages of the magazine you’ll get all the latest topics, current Affairs: giving summarized information about the Paralympics 2020 and Tokyo Olympics 2020, National and International happenings, economy, Banking, Science & technology, space etc. This magazine also includes more than 500 Current Shooters and lastly who’s who, which tells about country name, capital, currency, official languages and many more who have been currently appointed. This magazine is said to be highly useful for IBPS & SBI (PO, Clerk), NDA, CDS, SSC (CGL, 10+2, MTS), Railways, Delhi Police Constable, opse, bpse, and other state level exams.



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