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Akram Youth
Akram Youth

Akram Youth

  • What is 'Bhaav Vignan' ? | July 2014 | Akram Youth
  • Price : Free
  • akramyouth
  • Issues 35
  • Language - English
  • Published monthly
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Two months of holiday got over just like this, isn't it? Now again time for school, college where we shall meet our old friends and make some new as well. We might have formed some opinions for them or we shall form new opinions in year to come. How does Science of such internal Bhaav works is revealed in Cover story If a person is dedicated and determined enough to achieve his goal, then what one cannot achieve, which shall drive you all with amazement in our Glimpses of Great Soul 'We behave in the same way what we expect from others', will get to read in about concept of 'Manav Dharma' in our very own AkrampediA Along with which there many of your favorite articles....Lets start....

BY the Youth, OF the Youth, FOR the Youth. Spiritual solutions and right undertanding for a happy and successful life. Magazine by Dada Bhagwan Foundation.