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Akram Express
Akram Express

Akram Express

  • Total surrender towards ones's parents | November 2015 | Akram Express
  • Price : Free
  • akramyouth
  • Issues 109
  • Language - English
  • Published monthly
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"Dear friends, It's simply not possible to quantify how indebted we are to our parents, but how often do we think of it like that? The older we get, the more we like to do things our own way. Whenever they give us advice or make a suggestion, we see that as nagging. Do we ever stop to consider whether such behavior is of any benefit to us? All religions as well as Param Pujya Dadashri have placed a lot of importance to total surrender to our parents. Whether we understand it or not this is the means by which we can benefit the most. Let's read this edition so that we too can appreciate how much our parents do for us and remain obedient to them and also make them happy."

An exclusive magazine "Akram Express" just for young Kids. It contains Moral Stories, Mythological Stories, Puzzles, Activities and Golden Moments with Gnani, which is published every month.