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Akram Express
Akram Express

Akram Express

  • Should we eat non-vegetarian food | August 2015 | Akram Express
  • Price : Free
  • akramyouth
  • Issues 109
  • Language - English
  • Published monthly
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Friends, We have been taught right from birth that we should not consume non-vegetarian food. However, as we grow up it seems fashionable to eat non-veg, or sometimes we are influenced by friends to join them or we even end up eating non-veg merely out of curiosity to try out something new. At the very least we do get inclined to eat eggs if not meat. In this edition of Akram Express, Dadashri has explained in depth how eating non-vegetarian food is harmful for humans not only in their day to day lives, but also about its negative consequences on a person's religious and spiritual progress. So friends, let's read on and stay away from food which is not vegetarian.

An exclusive magazine "Akram Express" just for young Kids. It contains Moral Stories, Mythological Stories, Puzzles, Activities and Golden Moments with Gnani, which is published every month.