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Akram Express
Akram Express

Akram Express

  • It's none of my concern | June 2013 | Akram Express
  • Price : Free
  • akramyouth
  • Issues 109
  • Language - English
  • Published monthly
This is an e-magazine. Download App & Read offline on any device.

"Friends, Many a times, we make use of the phrase, 'It's none of my concern' especially when we do not consider something or someone as our own. However, at that time we forget how hurt we would feel if someone treated us with the same attitude. Param Pujya Dadashri's beautiful understanding on ""How much and in what way is the attitude, 'It's none of my concern' harmful?"" has been included in this issue. So let's understand the risks involved in this kind of attitude and discard it completely from our lives."

An exclusive magazine "Akram Express" just for young Kids. It contains Moral Stories, Mythological Stories, Puzzles, Activities and Golden Moments with Gnani, which is published every month.