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Akram Express
Akram Express

Akram Express

  • Holidays are fun | May 2015 | Akram Express
  • Price : Free
  • akramyouth
  • Issues 109
  • Language - English
  • Published monthly
This is an e-magazine. Download App & Read offline on any device.

Friends, `Holidays have come, fun time they bring with them...' If there is one thing that we eagerly wait for, is the vacation season. And, what is it that you look forward to, during the holidays? This edition of your favorite Akram Express magazine - HOLIDAYS ARE FUN! Yes, we know how much you enjoy having fun during the holidays, and bearing that in mind we have come up with this special edition of Akram Express. It has super interesting stories and lots of other engaging activities for you to enjoy. So, read on and have fun.

An exclusive magazine "Akram Express" just for young Kids. It contains Moral Stories, Mythological Stories, Puzzles, Activities and Golden Moments with Gnani, which is published every month.