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Akram Express
Akram Express

Akram Express

  • Avoid Boredom | February 2013 | Akram Express
  • Price : Free
  • akramyouth
  • Issues 109
  • Language - English
  • Published monthly
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Dear friends, Do you ever get bored? What are you saying! You get bored frequently? In that case, FI) you definitely have experienced how you feel when 0' you are bored. However, if someone were to ask you, "What is boredom?" Then, all we can answer is, "boredom means boredom." Boredom is when you don't like something or you don't enjoy no matter where you are. In this edition, Param Pujya Dadashri has beautifully defined this unique explanation on the subject of boredom, which we have not only never heard of but also never thought of! He has also discussed what understanding to apply in ti order to tackle boredom. Therefore, those who have the habit of getting bored every now and then should definitely read this issue.

An exclusive magazine "Akram Express" just for young Kids. It contains Moral Stories, Mythological Stories, Puzzles, Activities and Golden Moments with Gnani, which is published every month.