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National Geographic Traveller India
National Geographic Traveller India

National Geographic Traveller India

  • National Geographic Traveller India - December 2017 • Vol 6 • Issue 6
  • Price : 150.00
  • ACK Media
  • Issues 89
  • Language - English
  • Published monthly
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In the spirit of end-of-the-year celebrations, National Geographic Traveller India’s December edition raises a toast to tipple, covering booze trails from across the globe. There are features on French and Indian wines, malt from Scotland, Peru’s national drink and the great Swiss revival of absinthe. Collectors should lap up our quirky guide to alcohol souvenirs and, for connoisseurs, there is a round-up of intriguing, kitschy and classy bars around the world. In addition to all this, our itinerary package includes a memorable journey into the Demilitarised Zone (DMZ) between South Korea and North Korea. 

National Geographic Traveller India is the Indian edition of National Geographic Traveler (USA) the travel magazine of the National Geographic Society. At National Geographic Traveller India we bring together travel and culture, travel and experience, travel and story-telling. Our intention is to inspire more travel to more places, in our vast country and across the world, for the whole family. National Geographic Traveller India tries to bring variety to the experience of travel, inspiring all kinds of journeys from sedentary to super-active ones. Additionally, we are committed to spreading awareness about sustainable travel, and to ensuring that travel destinations endure for future generations.

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