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Upkar Prakashan

With an eye on the growing demands of the aspiring youth particularly those with Hindi medium who were forced to pick and read English books in absence of quality books in Hindi, we took decision and with Upkar Prakashan we entered the world of publishing with a set of General Knowledge books to begin with. After creating a little place in the market, in 1978, once again we jumped, this time into the field of magazine publishing with ‘Pratiyogita Darpan’, the first and the largest selling Hindi ‘Career Development Magazine’ which even today is credited to be the favourite youth magazine in India. To give more choice to readers, in 1988 we launched ‘Samanya Gyan Darpan’ with comprehensive collection of ‘Objective Type Questions’ as a differentiation. Four decades young now; Pratiyogita Darpan & Samanya Gyan Darpan stand as TOP 2nd and 3rd position respectively among all magazines that are published in India among all languages. (Source: Indian Readership Survey)

  • Publication 1673
  • Issues 1673
  • Title Views 71656