Hello dear readers, Page 1 - Have you heard of woolly flying squirrels? At over one metre in length with a thick pelt of silky fur, these squirrels are one of the largest in the world. Two new species have lately been discovered. Read the main news today. Assam got two new national parks added to its list of five. Which ones are they? Read the second news. Page 2 - Goddard was the first scientist who not only realized the potentialities of missiles and space flight but also contributed directly in bringing them to practical realization. May 1st 1959, the National Air and Space Administration (NASA) established the Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, in his memory, as was the Goddard crater on the moon. Read about him in the feature story by Sunil Behera. Page 3 - A beautiful poem dedicated to a sister by Urvi. Wednesday Champs.. congratulations. Try answering today's question. Did you know, and quote on the day on this page. Page 4 - Amazing artwork by Arya. Tongue twister to twist your tongue. Update on FINA Water Pole women's league in the sports section by Aditi Mukund. Happy Reading:) Love, Deepti
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