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The Children's Post
The Children's Post

The Children's Post

By: The Childrens Post of India

Single Issue


Single Issue

About this issue

The Children's Post, 9th August 2021 Dear Readers, In today’s edition, we have 1. News 1: Tokyo Olympics 2020 Closing Ceremony by Aarya Krishnan 2. News 2: ISS does a 540-degree flip, causes spaceflight emergency by Shuchi Giridhar 3. News 3: Tokyo Paralympics 2020: Indian Contingent by Mohammad Omar Malik 4. Math fun facts 5. Monday Fun includes, A. Masterminds – Brain Ticklers, B. Word Search and C. Spot the difference. 6. Sketches by Dharshini B 7. Art Corner – featuring Mosami Mansingka 8. Crafts corner – featuring Chinmaya Manivanna. Hope you will enjoy reading the edition and solving all the puzzles. Please send your valuable feedback at tcpedit@gmail.com. Love, Bonani and Padma aunty.

About The Children's Post

The Children's Post of India is a daily newspaper created by mothers for children. The ideal age group is 8 to 14 years old. Its a 4 page, print at home newspaper.  If you are an institution (School, NGO, Activity center) working with children in this age group, please get in touch to get the paper and share with your students. Individuals can take the paper from here and share with their children. This subscription licence is only for one child/family. Please do not use this subscription for redistribution in any form or format.