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The Children's Post
The Children's Post

The Children's Post

By: The Childrens Post of India

Single Issue


Single Issue

About this issue

Dear Shining stars You have probably been wondering about the rise of oil prices - petrol, diesel, etc.  But there is another kind of oil whose prices have been going through the roof - from 50 rs per litre on average, to above 120 rs per litre today - it is the humble edible oil in your kitchen.  Why are these prices rising? Why are the prices of edible oil in India higher than the international market prices? More importantly, why is it that India is food surplus but edible oil deficient?  These, and other important questions are answered in our whooping 3 page report by Anirudha Bhargava today, making it a super special edition that is free to circulate.  As you probably know, India started its free-vaccination-for-all program on June 21st. What is the progress on that? We bring you a detailed report.  After the power packed news, we have:  A. Your page - Art by Mihika Bansal and Aayan Manhas  B. Veervar Vijeta - answers to last week, winners, and this week's challenges  C. Sports News - Wimbledon update  D. Bob Mania  I will try to find space in the paper to share the winning memes with you, dear readers.  Enjoy the edition!  Love  Nidhi aunty   

About The Children's Post

The Children's Post of India is a daily newspaper created by mothers for children. The ideal age group is 8 to 14 years old. Its a 4 page, print at home newspaper.  If you are an institution (School, NGO, Activity center) working with children in this age group, please get in touch to get the paper and share with your students. Individuals can take the paper from here and share with their children. This subscription licence is only for one child/family. Please do not use this subscription for redistribution in any form or format.