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About this issue

Competitive Gaming in India - Is competitive gaming a serious career option? E-sports in India vs. E-sports abroad. Trials and tribulations of pro-gamers in India. Reviews - Halo 4 - Assassins Creed III (image) - Hitman: Absolution - Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance Features - Do motion controllers suck? - Is motion gaming one big gimmick? Or there’s potential down that road less travelled? - Most awaited games of 2013 - We gaze into the crystal ball and predict the hottest games of 2013 - Game of the Year - Skoar team members look back and nominate their best game of the year - Offbeat gaming accessories NASSCOM Game Developers Conference - Highlights from India’s #1 gaming forum, and what two Indian gaming giants think about the state of gaming in the country

About Skoar

SKOAR! caters to the information and fun-seeking needs of gamer through website and events. At SKOAR! we understand gamers as we are created and driven by the gaming community itself.