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You & I Weekly
You & I Weekly
  • April 10, 2017- Issue-11
  • youandimag
  • Issues 251
  • Language - English
  • Published weekly

About this issue

As we begin the month of April, the scorching summer heat has already set in and the rise in temperature seems to be affecting everyone across the country. In Hyderabad too, the temperature has been averaging 41°C, and is all set to rise. While it’s difficult to actually enjoy the summer days, one thing we’re looking forward to when the sun is blazing, is, the special summer food and beverages. Take a look at this week’s Feature story that lists out dining options in the city that churn out some of the best food options for this summer.On the cover is actress Mannara Chopra whose latest film, Rogue, recently hit the theatres and is doing extremely well at the box office. Dressed in summery attires, the bubbly lass tells us about her journey in filmdom, drawing inspiration from her cousin sister—the now Hollywood diva, Priyanka Chopra, and of course, her favourite cuisine, in Cover Story.Taking the theme of food forward, in People we talk with pastry chef Neharika Goel whose baking company, Piñata, is turning one soon. From telling us about the USP of her brand to talking about her offerings for health lovers and weight watchers, she spills out all the beans.What better way to celebrate togetherness than by going on a month-long honeymoon across Europe?! After tying the knot towards the end of 2016, Jayesh and Ishikaa Mulani headed to destinations like Greece, Spain, Italy, France, and the UK. Read all about their trip in this week’s Grand Getaways.Thanks to the increasing popularity of health fads in recent times, superfoods like chia seeds, goji berries, and macadamia nuts have become staples for almost all health-conscious people. Turn toMind & Body where we give you a lowdown on all of these.And tell us what you think. If you have any suggestions, comments or queries, please e-mail me at publisher@you-and-i.com.

About You & I Weekly

You & I is a lifestyle magazine that offers a window into the lives of those who give their cities its character and turn its dreams into reality. You & I keeps its readers in touch with each city's unique and notable people, events, parties and launches.