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You & I Monthly Magazine
You & I Monthly Magazine
  • February, 2016-Issue 1
  • youandimag
  • Issues 110
  • Language - English
  • Published monthly

About this issue

Another year, and celebrating our eighth anniversary, we’re extremely excited to present this special edition to you. Days of hard work, late nights in the office, nervousness, laughter, and anticipation have gonein to putting this issue together; every minute of it fun and enjoyable. With every passing year, we’ve widened the knowledge we provide in a variety of subjects and continuously improved our standards,giving to you, our readers, many new and varied topics to read about. We all know that online and social media are taking over a substantial readership, and keeping that in mind You & I is continuously putting in a lot of effort to make our website and social media portals interesting and easily accessible. Over the last year, we’ve not only been successful in capturing a vast number of new readers on our website and e-magazine, but have also increased ourpresence on social media platforms, through a range of behind the scenes videos, crisp and light-hearted articles, and a lot of pictures!

About You & I Monthly Magazine
