December 2018 issue: Our last issue for this year wrapped up with amazing articles and interviews. Cover Story: Veena artist Rajhesh Vaidhya Artist of the month: Flutist Ashwin Srinivasan Quirks & Queries: Veena Srivani In conversation with Joe Lamond, NAMM Show President Feature: Koloma In-India: Gypsy Jazz band Paulus Schäfer ahead of their concert at The Quarter, Mumbai. Articles: Women in Carnatic Music, Indian music Instrumentalists, A perspective on 'Selling Out', Language of Drumming, An overview of the Indian Music Experience in Bangalore and more. Music Tech: Let's talk Equalisation, Analog Console Emulation Plug-in, Four plug-ins to watch out for.
Gorgeous and talented singer Jonita Gandhi on the cover of our May issue where she talks about her journey so far, inspiration and more.Shashaa Tirupati, the voice behind 'Ok Jaanu' is our Star of the month.We had a chat with the popular a'capella band Penn Masala on their much awaited India tour tour in May, future projects.Find out how much and fitness go hand in hand, how to maintain your vocal health, International bands having Indian influences and much more.We have interesting products from Harman Professional India, Yamaha Music Centre, Casio, Sennheiser, beyerdynamic, Roland and Bose