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Travel Plus
Travel Plus

Travel Plus

By: The India Today Group

Single Issue


Single Issue

  • India Today Travel Plus- December 2013
  • Price : 99.00
  • The India Today Group
  • Issues 29
  • Language - English
  • Published monthly

About this issue

Highlights of India Today Travel Plus magazine dated December 2013. The December issue is sure to leave you mesmerized with the sensational Kanishtha Dhanker gracing the cover. The issue will take you on an exciting journey to some of the most breathtaking destinations of India and the world. Get ready to explore India's very own Goa as the latest wedding destination, along with a delightful list of the top ten unique wedding destinations the world over. Also, we give you a glimpse of beautiful Alaska through the photographer's eyes. Then comes a round-up of some of the best places to eat in New Delhi, Bangalore, Mumbai and Czech Republic. This and much more in the latest issue just for you!

About Travel Plus

Catering to the lifestyle section, ITTP is India's No.1 travel magazine. It is a magazine which makes you go places! The travelogues tells you all you need to know about your travel destination. It covers everything from resorts, airlines, spas, shops, restaurants and much more.