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Reader's Digest
Reader's Digest

Reader's Digest

By: The India Today Group

Single Issue


12 Months

About this issue

Highlights of Reader’s Digest India magazine dated June, 2014. Our happiness special this month strives to bring you cheer—and transform you—with its select articles. "What Makes Us Happy?" is all about where you can look for lasting contentment. Sail through a bad day with scientific insights from "7 Mood Lifters," and explore the meaning of life and happiness with "The Dalai Lama's Ski Trip." Set in Maharashtra, our June Real-Life Drama is about a child who got lost and subsequently became a commando. Decades later, a chain of circumstances changed everything. "The Longest Day," one of the most moving, living World War II records, forms our book section this month. Commemorative of the decisive 1944 battle to free Europe from Nazi occupation, the book would not have come out if not for the financial and technical help offered by the founder and editor of Reader’s Digest, DeWitt Wallace. Other highlights of the June issue include "In My Opinion" on India's unease with free speech, "The RD Interview" with the Pulitzer Prize-winning author Anna Quindlen. Learn about amusing facts from all over in the "Who Knew?" section and read heartwarming stories in "Kindness of Strangers." Plus, as always, we have our humour sections to add to your happiness quotient.

About Reader's Digest

Highlights of Reader’s Digest February 2016, issue: Happiness Begins with Humour Of Love and Money It’s February and while the world celebrates love (we do too), we also know it’s still the beginning of the year and we’re all still hanging on to our resolutions. It’s the best time to make a sound financial plan, rather than scrambling at the end of the year to put together investments. But since there’s no one-size-fits-all solution, our cover story lays down the basics and helps you build on these. But because money can’t buy everything, we have a heart-warming tale of what our loved ones really want from us. In our other special stories: Shafqat Amanat Ali on what he’d do if he ruled the world, an interview with Michael Caine, how to get lucky, and whether the new black money law really will work. Plus, a look into The Making of a Jihadist and why a healthy young man did what he did. There’s also something for us to sleep over: a special report on sleep, how we, in India, are not getting enough of it, and how we can get our full eight hours. Travel down Australia’s Great Ocean Road, and round it off with a story of a film-maker who has lived well beyond his years, with the support and love of his family. Yes, love does make the world go around. So don’t miss our Valentine’s Day special: To Fall in Love with Anyone, Do This...