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Money Today
Money Today

Money Today

By: The India Today Group

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About this issue

Highlights of Money Today September 2013 issue: Buying a house of your own makes to the priority list of most Indians these days. Money Today, your favourite personal finance magazine, brings to you a special package which looks at the current real estate market if you are planning to buy property. Apart from sharing some details about what home loans entail, the cover story package of the latest issue also tells you how to invest in real estate - be it by buying office space or via investing in stocks of real estate companies. India has had a good monsoon this year. 'Will it rain profits' discusses prospects of companies that are expected to gain from good rains. Most companies have declared their first quarter results. Money Today's September issue carries an analysis of what the trends show for India Inc for the April-June period. There are investment tips too - how investing in stocks of companies related to commodity prices could be a good idea; funds that invest in the US have given stellar returns in the past year; why regular term plans are a better option than premium plans and more. It's common to shift base outside India these days due to work opportunities. 'Before the flight' gives you tips on how to organise your financial portfolio at home before moving abroad. Read about all this and more in the latest issue of Money Today. Pick your copy now!

About Money Today

Money Today is a comprehensive, easy-to-read personal finance magazine that steers clear of the jargon that's common to money-related issues. The content is both topical and timeless. Most important, it is utilitarian, offering readers clear tips on managing their money--be it investing in mutual funds, buying stocks or a house or car. It even offers help when negotiating a new salary or setting up your own business. In short, Money Today takes the guesswork out of investing and helps you maximize your returns.