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Money Today
Money Today

Money Today

By: The India Today Group

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About this issue

Highlights of Money Today May 2014 issue: With great opportunities knocking one's door once in a while, there should be no reason your finances should hold you back from settling outside India, should you get a chance. Money Today, your favourite personal finance magazine, would like you to consider your options well and gives you tips on how to manage your finances before moving to another country. With stock market looking set for a recovery, the May 2014 issue of the magazine also does a feature on why it may be the right time to invest in high beta stocks. There's also a lowdown on stocks that have been rising at a fast pace for the last 10 years. There's more - how will Sun Pharmaceutical buying Ranbaxy Laboratories impact both the stocks; things to keep in mind before renting a house, advantages of investing in multi-asset funds; risks involved in investing in small-cap stocks - and more in the latest issue of Money Today. Subscribe now!

About Money Today

Money Today is a comprehensive, easy-to-read personal finance magazine that steers clear of the jargon that's common to money-related issues. The content is both topical and timeless. Most important, it is utilitarian, offering readers clear tips on managing their money--be it investing in mutual funds, buying stocks or a house or car. It even offers help when negotiating a new salary or setting up your own business. In short, Money Today takes the guesswork out of investing and helps you maximize your returns.