Pallikkutam November 2021 issue is focussed on transformation of Indian universities to become entrepreneurial universities on the strength of three pillars of teaching, innovation and research and entrepreneurship. There are global role models in entrepreneurship education but India needs to evolve its own strucutres, processes and practices for entrepreneurial learning. Other issues covered include the need to ensure mental health and happiness for children on reopening of schools, a profile of Cheepuru Ramkumar whose passion is promotion of cartoons all over India and abroad, importance of giving importance to experience and expertise for growth, how Indian history is being distorted to serve narrow interests and how children can be role models for kindness and sharing in society and regular columns by academicians and experts
Pallikkutam is an education magazine in English published by Rajagiri Media Trust. It has articles on teaching, learning, policy issues, parenting and columns by leading writers and academicians