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By: Parent Edge

Single Issue


6 Months


12 Months


Single Issue


6 Months


12 Months

  • May-June 2014
  • Price : 65.00
  • Parent Edge
  • Issues 7
  • Language - English
  • Published bimonthly

About this issue

It seems like just yesterday that our Publisher was asking if we would be interested in coming on board ParentEdge as the Editorial Team. (And we gleefully agreed!) In the blink of an eye, three years have sped by. For yes, this is the last issue of Volume 3. And the next issue in July 2014 will mark our magazine’s fourth birthday. ParentEdge is a toddler no longer; but a young child continuing its journey of discovery and exploration… Like the proverbial questioning and curious child, our magazine too has made many changes—tweaking this approach, and modifying that, adding a special feature and discarding another. And like children who evolve into different human beings as they grow, ParentEdge will keep evolving too, to stay tuned to your needs and demands. One of these was a demand to see an article on the different aspects of a child’s growth and development that a parent should be thinking about. And so we give you this issue’s Cover Story—‘10 Life Skills that your Child Must Learn!’, featuring insights and advice from some experts in this area. The focus of this issue is, however, on Literacy Skills, so you will see a range of articles around this topic for the blogger or the Shakespeare in your child—‘Teaching your Child to Read and Write’ (Young Parents’ Corner), ‘Online Language Learning Resources’ (Quick Resources), ‘Children and Writing’ (Pursuits and Passions) and ‘Linguistic Intelligence’ (MI at Home). Since we are discussing literacy skills so much, it felt natural to present in this issue, the winners of the ParentEdge Annual Book Review Contest 2014. So turn to Book Reviews and read these winning entries to understand what your child should be reading and to also appreciate the talent and effort of the winners. Some expert perspectives on succeeding in an off-beat career (Career Track), a discussion of how healthy fruit juices really are for our children (Health and Nutrition), tips on what to look for in a college (College Education Abroad) and advice on a relevant area of worry for parents of gifted children, ‘Academic and School Concerns’ (Nurturing Gifted Children)—these and many more interesting articles make up the usual eclectic and educational mix that is ParentEdge. As usual, do write in to us with your feedback and don’t forget to participate in our cool contests (the prizes just keep getting better and better!).

About ParentEdge

ParentEdge is a bi-monthly magazine for discerning Indian parents who would like to actively contribute to their children’s education, intellectual enrichment and stimulation. The magazine’s premise is that learning is a continuous process, and needs to happen both in and outside of school; thus parents have an important role to play in shaping their children’s interests and intellect.